April 2025 - Beginner Longsword Class

The Beginner Class starts April 1st 2025

The Beginner Course will meet once a week on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9 pm at Harford Community College in Susquehanna Hall Rm 207. The cost of $120 for individuals will cover all 8 weeks. If you are signing up with multiple people, please fill out the form for each participant and the cost will be $110 per individual. We will be in touch with a way you can pay ahead online but we accept checks or cash the night of the first class. 

Our club focuses on fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for adults interested in Historical European Martial Arts. Come make new friends and hit them with swords! What can be cooler than that? All you will need is comfortable athletic clothing and a water bottle, everything else will be provided by the club. We do NOT require any knowledge or experience with swords, weapons or martial arts. 

If you have any questions please email harcohistoricalfencingclub@gmail.com

Note: We are renting space from the College, we are not affiliated with the college in anyway. We only use synthetic and blunt swords for safety purposes. 

Sign up today on TidyHQ!


HCHFC is moving


January 2025 - Beginner Longsword Class